Tuesday, January 27, 2015

【3D Maya Essentials】20150128 - Car Modelling

 Task (Car)   

1. First, I go Google find a blueprint of a car.
2. Next, I use Photoshop cut this blueprint into four views and save them as (front, back, top, side) separately. 
*Cut it as accurate as possible.

3. Create a plane and change its size based on the image you cut just now.
4. Press SHIFT to copy the plane, change its size according to different views and rotate it to correct position.
5. Repeat this step until four views are done.

6. Go to Material Editor, click on Get Material (1).
7. Click Standard > Diffuse > Bitmap, then select your image.
8. Change the width and height according to your image. *Rotate if necessary.
9. Click Assign Material to Selection (2) and Show Shaded Material in Viewport (3).

10. Select the front and back view plan, right click, select Object Properties, choose By Layer, then click on Backface Cull. This is to make it looks transparent.
* If the size is not accurate, you can change its height manually.

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