Sunday, May 17, 2015

【Digital Illustration】20150122 - Value

All of these below are created by using Adobe Photoshop CS6.  

 Task (Basic Shape)   


1. Select colours for your object. It should be gradient colour which are from the dark to light. 
* It is used to create 'value' for your object.

2. Create the shape by using selection tool so that you can paint within that certain area.
* If the shape is created by using AI, drag it from AI to PS, then select Magic Wand Tool (remember to select the layer), click anywhere outside the outline, so the shape of object is selected, inverse the selected layers(dotted lines), and now you can start painting within that particular area.

3. Paint with the base colour by using brush. (middle colour from the colour you choose)
* [I=eyedropper ; B=brush] This is shortcut key to switch between the eyedropper (helps you select colour) and brush. It increases the efficiency of our progress.

4. After that, adjust the opacity and flow of the brush in order to mix the colour more naturally.
* Bigger size of the brush is better.

5. Add shadow to make it looks more 3D.

End Results:

 Practice (Apple)   

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