Saturday, August 30, 2014

【Basic Computer】27082014 - Typography Poster Design

Quote used : "The starting point of all achievement is desire." - Napoleon Hill

References :

I drew few white lines as the reference image on the side.
I changed the texture of the background to make it looks real.
The words "STARTING POINT" are written based on the method shown in the video above.
The arrow is drawn by pen tool (based on the image on the right).

End Results:
For this typography poster, I do not refer to any existing poster. It is a word-based poster which consists of words and arrows. The reason why I choose this background is because I want to show that the starting line of track will also be the starting point of our life. As for the arrows, you can see that there are arrows in opposite direction. In life, everyone will choose their own path, it might be correct but it can be wrong also. However, if you have the desire, you can reach your goal and accomplish your achievement in one day.  

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