Wednesday, September 17, 2014

【Basic Computer】20140917 - Texture Effect & Filter Gallery


I duplicated a layer and cropped it half.
Then, I duplicated that layer and flipped horizontally to make it be symmetrical.
Duplicate layer, skew it to 45°, then (Filter > Pixelate > Mosaic), skew it back to its original position.
Duplicate another layer, apply the same effects but in different direction.
Here is the effect after the mosaic applied.
I added the textures on the image.
I changed the mode and the transparency of the textures used.
Besides, I also erased unnecessary parts of the textures.
I added another texture to fill up the empty space on the side.
Lastly, I changed the brightness/contrast, hue/saturation, curves & color balance of the entire image.

End Results:


The original image is a leopard with the forest as the background and I want to make it looks like a king with the dim golden background. The effects of the textures are trying to make the leopard looks more dignified.

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