Wednesday, September 17, 2014

【Basic Computer】20140918 - Movie Poster & Magazine Cover


Korean Girl Group - TaeTiSeo(TTS)
SD Dolls Part1
SD Dolls Part2
Building etc.

Remove all the backgrounds.

Arrange all the materials in suitable position. 
Change all the hue/saturation, levels, curves to make them look harmony.
Black color as the base color of background.
Add hue/saturation layer to change pink to bronze.
Add curves layer to make color looks darker.
Add hue/saturation layer again to low down its saturation.
Add texture to the background.
Last but not least, add the information of the movie.

Make a grid layer as reference for position.
Place the movie poster in the middle.
Then, type all the words.
Change the font style and rearrange the position of the words.
*Remove unnecessary words.

End Results:

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