Saturday, September 13, 2014

【Basic Computer】20140911 - People with Animal Head


Now, I am going to combine these three pictures. The final result will be a human's body with an animal head. The steps will be shown in the following screenshots.

I removed the background of this man by using quick selection tool.
The background of this dog is also been removed by using the same method.
I put the layer of dog's head behind the layer of man.
I go (Edit > Puppet Wrap) to arrange the position of the dog's head.
I removed the background of this image and duplicate few.
Some of it are flipped horizontally. 
All the layers of the puppies are put nicely in order to make it looks as one.
All these layers are put behind the man with dog's head.
I put some fur of the dog on the hands of the man.
Lastly, I change the hue/saturation and color balance of the image.
This is to avoid background image from distracting the main character.

End Result:

The dog I used is Golden Retriever, therefore, the background I put is the puppies of it. The effect I wanted to create is a Golden Retriever with smart and intelligent look. A successful leader can lead his men to higher position is what I comprehend about this image.

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