Thursday, March 5, 2015

【3D Maya Essentials】20150304 - Watch

1. Create a plane, set the reference image.
2. Right click select object properties and make changes as shown in the image above.
3. Create a cylinder.

4. Use spline to draw a circle. Then, use line to draw a shape as shown in the image (LHS).
5. Go modifier list and select bevel profile. 
6. Create another cylinder to delete the unnecessary part (by using boolean).
7. Copy two more and place them at the correct position.

8. Create a box and rotate it a bit to match the bending level of the outer ring. 
9. Find the center position of the ring, copy down. 
10. Select the box and choose 'affect pivot only'. Set the number just now to the box's X&Y position.
*Click one more time after using the 'after pivot only'.
11. Rotate it and copy few more. 
12. Do another sets by repeating the steps above.

13. Change 'View' to 'Local'; Click on 'Affect Pivot Only' & 'Center to Object'.
14. Click 'Mirror' and choose the suitable axis to reflect.

15. Use line to draw the shape(modify it later). Then draw a circle for the outer ring.
16. Select loft, you will get the shape as above.

17. Repeat steps 10&11. (Angle depends on how many hour hand/minute hand).

18. Create boxes and modify the hands of clock.

19. Create a sphere (hemisphere) and change its opacity to 20%.

20. Create boxes and modify the shape.

21. Create cylinder to make the button.
*[center button]Select middle segment from the 3 segments(polygon), extrude and then bevel.

22. Use box to create the bracelet.

The following will be the rendering:

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